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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:21 pm

ive made this apply once but nobody didnt care so ill make this once more
1 Nick: man nigga some times (estguy)
2 USGN ID: 130538
3 Age: 16
4 estguy12@gmail.com
5 i play atleast once a day (Eastern European Time Zone) the time wheres the most fkers, hackers and freevoters im not alot in but atleast 2h per day. im quite active cus my max time on the server is 3d 3-7 h
6 From: estonia
7 i want to become mod2 because most of the time theres no mod2 or mod1 in  and im probably onlyone.
about fkers and fvoters most of them are normal players and vips. Ive seen few mods who have banned bunch on people for no reason

and if i dont get MOD2 then i will need alteast VIP so i can see the names of abusing mods or vips who kicked me for no reason, still hoping for mod 2 still

most worst is guy named Player 2 (mod2) i think and mew~ vip or mod1 i think

its about all for now i can add some more info later if you ask

dont realy beliive that i get mod2 but lets see

i know how i write is not the best...

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Woody Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:47 pm

You're not freekicked, you freekilled many times. As you was freekicking people before, I'm not sure how would you fit as a vip. Don't even ask for a mod.
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Nighthawk Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:46 pm

How about you get Admin?
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:03 pm

they thinked that i fked but i didnt and 2nd of all if i ask the person who kicked me "why did you kick me" then theres no answer...

and 2nd i dont need admin powers

and why the f**k theres so many fkers freevoters revengekillers and freekickers? cus theres no actuve MODs + most of the players dont do that if they see that ct has been killed someone then check if he really had gun or theres just some blood on the ground but i do it....

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by lubo Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:14 pm

So your solution to the problem is to give mod powers to a complete stranger?
That will double the troubles and I can guarantee it.
If you really want to be mod one day, stick with us, change your attitude a little bit and prove us your worthy.

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:27 pm

complete stranger?
me worthly for you?
cant trust some strange people like you. your the most inactive person i know. some what you say is right that i watch things at one angle same with you kinda
i could change my atitude for better maybe even change my name... i could hmmm

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Mew~ Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:31 pm

i like how it was like an insult.
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:34 pm

for me he is i see him maybe twice a week did i insult him D:

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by lubo Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:31 pm

Please don't be limited, if I'm not with my name that doesn't mean I'm not there.
Now I remember that you were VIP once but got demoted because you abused your powers with your friend Keno.
I'm sorry you're not complete stranger, I just forgot who you are.

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:28 am

keno wasnt my friend and VIPs cant abuse they only have ½ kicking powers and i did double connect kicking only once and then i got warnings i got demoted only cus i did some accidentally freekills

and i never understud how could you abuse with VIP like really HOWWWWW only maybe then if u have double connect or doing that with friend but alone HOWWWWWWWW

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by cyan Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:10 am

Yes, they can...
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:14 am

if you have any idea then tell me?

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by cyan Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:48 am

"They" = It's a third person plural word wich says "more than 1" -A Dictionary,
Lubo wrote: example: you abused your powers with your friend Keno.

A vip can abuse with a "friend"
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by RuzzleFury Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:13 am

estguy wrote:your the most inactive person i know.
Yeah shut up you little doge lubo (On the behalf of your avatar.)
Okay let's get serious.
So I remember that est guy (A.K.A) Man nigga was demoted from vip status for using the vip kick with his friend to kick everyone out there and also they were giving each other weapons everytime one of them is a ct,kk Think about it.
I've been a mod for 2 months and i might have free kicked one or two times due to the reports against me,You've been demoted and you want to already jump to mod 2?
You are a user buddy,Hoping 3 levels won't give it any help.
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:08 am

cyan i asked how can you abuse alone?
and i had one friend but we didnt kick just like you all remember that we kicked about 10-15 people about maybe 2 was kinda sad cus they afked like 24/7 and no rounds were long enough that they would have been kicked and i think there was no idle kick yet and maybe we kicked one or three just for ban language and maybe 1-2 just accetentaly. Hes name was PandaPro now its something like  {[SaZ] veyron he got banned i think cus he did too many double connects

keno wasnt my friend we kicked about 2 people with him just for fking.
you know the noobs like new players who start playiing on the server they just fk and fk and fk until they get kick or ban but if theres no mods on then how its going to happen (dont understand the rules). + its not cool man if someone just shoots at you at jail server for nothingness and kills you ½ of my deaths is freekilled and i have about 1k deaths so you can do the math by yourself. if you really think that keno was my friend then you were in the server with me atm we did the fk kicking

if you think that if ct helps tt all the time with warnings then why he got no kick

Last edited by estguy on Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Dimi Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:22 am

Veyron is still vip on Jail server. Your name is associated with abusing, freevoting and freekicking. We know why you and Keno was removed from vip status. Now, after aprox. 5 months, you came back and asking without any conscience about mod2. What about being the GOD of the server? Nobody can do beter than u.
Now, let's be serious : You still lying and bullshitting. Saying about Lubo that he isn't online and lying about your age, I mean :
estguy wrote:Posts: 19
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but, wait, here it's written :
estguy wrote:1 Nick: man nigga some times (estguy)
2 USGN ID: 130538
3 Age: 16
So, which is your real age, man, or just starting call you boy?
In my opinion, when you'll touch the mature and responsability level, you can come back and re-apply for vip.
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:39 am

whats with that: ....
estguy joined The Creative Monkeyz Army.

my real age is 16 im not publishing my real age of some forums its always better to put false age
like everywhere what i cant trust but i can trust this topic cus in other theres just some random people

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Physiology Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:07 am

Aren't you the VIP who got demoted for being a childish brat?

estguy wrote:
my real age is 16 im not publishing my real age....

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Dimi Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:03 pm

Physiology wrote:Aren't you the VIP who got demoted for being a childish brat?

estguy wrote:
my real age is 16 im not publishing my real age....

Sometimes, the age doesn't matter. Look at me : I have 16 years old and I'm mod 2. How did I get it? By learning and respecting rules and have a good behavior.
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:17 pm

you just dont beliive the truth you dont care about it cus you never beliived me so...

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Guest Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:21 pm

im not reading all of the comments, so I just write something sh*t now.
wasn't your vip has been removed, because you're a noob or abuse or anything?


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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by estguy Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:26 pm

like always everyone thinked that i abused but i didnt and i dont know why i go demoted or anything
i only remember a guy say that im abusing cus he thinked i had fk and fking is not abusing and the next day i was demoted

i say too many and words and then words...

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Glixable Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:00 pm

Hey man, i knw how you feel now. They are like ''as*holes'' who dont want to make you mod2. But its not true.
Some months ago, i tried jump to mod1 or mod2 like you. It wont work like this, trust me. Look, im old in fws, and look im user? I made mistake by spamming some bullshit like you now. Just show them that you deserv mod2 (ofc, first get vip or mod1). + These guys are veterans (lel), if they say no, you can just dream about it.

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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by cyan Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:08 am

Sorry but you said this:
estguy wrote:if you have any idea then tell me?
Not this "how can a VIP abuse alone"
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APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!] Empty Re: APPLY for MOD 2 in fws jail [Rejected!]

Post by Guest Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:05 pm

Glixable wrote:Hey man, i knw how you feel now. They are like ''as*holes'' who dont want to make you mod2. But its not true.
Some months ago, i tried jump to mod1 or mod2 like you. It wont work like this, trust me. Look, im old in fws, and look im user? I made mistake by spamming some bullshit like you now. Just show them that you deserv mod2 (ofc, first get vip or mod1). + These guys are veterans (lel), if they say no, you can just dream about it.

We, as you wrote "veterans" saw a lot of thing, but we also started from somewhere.
The perfect example is my past, so basically I have rights to write: You just don't know anything about how -[IFwsI]- (in this case kenpachi) judge people.
Of course, we (before ask, the council members) are not him. Our opinion is different, but we try to judge fairly as him, or as we see the current situation. Don't forget this thing, the council member's word can influence kenpachi's decision, but we can't judge essential things.
As a Co-Admin, I don't need any application, pray or sort of asslicking. Whom I think that he/she is suitable and responsible enough, to become mod2, he/she will earn the rights, after long thinking, of course.

Discussion not needed.

Last edited by Brainless on Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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